Thank You In Advance for Your Support!

The Banyan Group

Counseling, Coaching & Consulting for Positive Change

Is a Charitable Organization

Registered in California

Corporate Number - C3748416



The US Internal Revenue Service has Also Designated

The Banyan Group as a Public

501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation

EIN: 47-2978612


All Gifts Are Deductible






About Suggested Donations

Registered clients of The Banyan Group may receive services and may also make a suggested donation concurrent with those services.  The suggested donation amount is based upon the fair market value for comparable services in the for-profit community,  The IRS has designated such suggested donations tax-deductible in IRS Publication 1771, which governs the activities of non-profit corporations and charitable organizations.

Make Ordinary Donations to the Banyan Group Using the Donate Button Below:

Clients May Make Suggested Donations for Services Using the Pay Now Button Below

Suggested Donations For Services
(Enter Amount on Next Screen)
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© 2018 The Banyan Group - Counseling, Coaching and Consulting for Positive Change - All Rights Reserved